Thursday, May 1, 2008


Bonded labours of the world break free!

Bonded by ties and suits
And glass-panelled offices.

Bonded by misplaced virtues
And empanelled hoaxes.

Bonded by the urge to take home more cash
Erring again and again to make that dash.

Getting to the top, pushing others aside
What a place to choose for suicide.

Singularly lonely and cold
Look around and not a soul in your fold.

Yet the urge to bond is strong
No strength however in keeping it at a furlong.

Born to die yet cribbing to stay
Saying aye when it deserves a nay.

Bonded labours of the world break free!
Bonded labours of the world break free!


Unknown said...

nice... something we can all relate to.....

Dr. Manoshi Bhattacharya said...

If could leave you a 'virtual wink' I would.

Shiraz said...

hmm... freedom... sounds tempting. Good stuff, but that doesn't mean I'm quitting the rat race anytime soon :)

EnEss said...

IT's basically the americanisation of everything including dreams....dreams of working...and dreams of not working...dreams of dreaming ... what is ironic is that even those who stand up and take notice are all metamorphosing into corporate rats chasing American dreams! Break Free or something to that effect!

XYZ said...

Neo-Communist, eh?